My first workaction is over. Instead of staying in Hamburg and working in my Homeoffice I spent a week with my younger son in a small Hotel in Kargow. I woke up at six, showered, got dressed, meditated and started working around seven. I did work for 1,5 hours until my son got up and we had breakfast together. After breakfast I would continue working until around twelve.
To get the most out of the day for my son and me, we had a long lunch break (2-3 hours). We would either drive to Neustrelitz to have some lunch or we would eat something in our apartment.
I did cook two fairly simple meals during the week in our small kitchen.
While cooking I use the app crouton on my iPad for the recipes.
After lunch I would continue working until around six or so.
Pro: It was nice to spent some time somewhere else. We were very lucky regarding the weather. It was kind of warm and sunny (for october, almost november) and we could spent a lot of time outside. A lot, at least if I take into account that I was also working around eight hours a day.
The WIFI connection from the Hotel was stable all the time. I was a bit concerned because we had no cell reception here. Nothing, not even edge. Apart from my laptop, I brought also my external keyboard an my monitor. A very good decision after all.
Con: The weather was also the downside or rather the work part from the workaction. It would be nicer to spent whole days outside, in this beautiful nature. I missed my height-adjustable desk and my ofice chair. To bring the office chair would be a bit too much but I would definetly bring my office stool next time. I did only three scatterfocus sessions during the week. I was sitting outside, trying to connect the dots.
All in all it was a good experience. No major downsides. Definetly something I might be doing again. :-)